Title: | Deep Learning with Metaheuristic |
Description: | Fits from simple regression to highly customizable deep neural networks either with gradient descent or metaheuristic, using automatic hyper parameters tuning and custom cost function. A mix inspired by the common tricks on Deep Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization. |
Authors: | Alex Boulangé [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Alex Boulangé <[email protected]> |
License: | GNU General Public License |
Version: | 1.3.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-14 03:55:24 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/aboulaboul/automl |
Predictions function, to apply a trained model on datas
automl_predict(model, X, layoutputnum)
automl_predict(model, X, layoutputnum)
model |
model trained previously with automl_train or automl_train_manual |
X |
inputs matrix or data.frame (containing numerical values only) |
layoutputnum |
which layer number to output especially for auto encoding (default 0: no particular layer, the last one) |
##REGRESSION (predict Sepal.Length given other parameters) data(iris) xmat <- as.matrix(cbind(iris[,2:4], as.numeric(iris$Species))) ymat <- iris[,1] amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(modexec = 'trainwpso', verbose = FALSE)) res <- cbind(ymat, automl_predict(model = amlmodel, X = xmat)) colnames(res) <- c('actual', 'predict') head(res) # ## Not run: ##CLASSIFICATION (predict Species given other Iris parameters) data(iris) xmat = iris[,1:4] lab2pred <- levels(iris$Species) lghlab <- length(lab2pred) iris$Species <- as.numeric(iris$Species) ymat <- matrix(seq(from = 1, to = lghlab, by = 1), nrow(xmat), lghlab, byrow = TRUE) ymat <- (ymat == as.numeric(iris$Species)) + 0 amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(modexec = 'trainwpso', verbose = FALSE)) res <- cbind(ymat, round(automl_predict(model = amlmodel, X = xmat))) colnames(res) <- c(paste('act',lab2pred, sep = '_'), paste('pred',lab2pred, sep = '_')) head(res) ## End(Not run)
##REGRESSION (predict Sepal.Length given other parameters) data(iris) xmat <- as.matrix(cbind(iris[,2:4], as.numeric(iris$Species))) ymat <- iris[,1] amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(modexec = 'trainwpso', verbose = FALSE)) res <- cbind(ymat, automl_predict(model = amlmodel, X = xmat)) colnames(res) <- c('actual', 'predict') head(res) # ## Not run: ##CLASSIFICATION (predict Species given other Iris parameters) data(iris) xmat = iris[,1:4] lab2pred <- levels(iris$Species) lghlab <- length(lab2pred) iris$Species <- as.numeric(iris$Species) ymat <- matrix(seq(from = 1, to = lghlab, by = 1), nrow(xmat), lghlab, byrow = TRUE) ymat <- (ymat == as.numeric(iris$Species)) + 0 amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(modexec = 'trainwpso', verbose = FALSE)) res <- cbind(ymat, round(automl_predict(model = amlmodel, X = xmat))) colnames(res) <- c(paste('act',lab2pred, sep = '_'), paste('pred',lab2pred, sep = '_')) head(res) ## End(Not run)
The multi deep neural network automatic train function (several deep neural networks are trained with automatic hyperparameters tuning, best model is kept)
This function launches the automl_train_manual function by passing it parameters
for each particle at each converging step
automl_train(Xref, Yref, autopar = list(), hpar = list(), mdlref = NULL)
automl_train(Xref, Yref, autopar = list(), hpar = list(), mdlref = NULL)
Xref |
inputs matrix or data.frame (containing numerical values only) |
Yref |
target matrix or data.frame (containing numerical values only) |
autopar |
list of parameters for hyperparameters optimization, see autopar section |
hpar |
list of parameters and hyperparameters for Deep Neural Network, see hpar section |
mdlref |
model trained with automl_train to start training with saved hpar and autopar
(not the model) |
## Not run: ##REGRESSION (predict Sepal.Length given other Iris parameters) data(iris) xmat <- cbind(iris[,2:4], as.numeric(iris$Species)) ymat <- iris[,1] amlmodel <- automl_train(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat) ## End(Not run) ##CLASSIFICATION (predict Species given other Iris parameters) data(iris) xmat = iris[,1:4] lab2pred <- levels(iris$Species) lghlab <- length(lab2pred) iris$Species <- as.numeric(iris$Species) ymat <- matrix(seq(from = 1, to = lghlab, by = 1), nrow(xmat), lghlab, byrow = TRUE) ymat <- (ymat == as.numeric(iris$Species)) + 0 #with gradient descent and random hyperparameters sets amlmodel <- automl_train(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, autopar = list(numiterations = 1, psopartpopsize = 1, seed = 11), hpar = list(numiterations = 10))
## Not run: ##REGRESSION (predict Sepal.Length given other Iris parameters) data(iris) xmat <- cbind(iris[,2:4], as.numeric(iris$Species)) ymat <- iris[,1] amlmodel <- automl_train(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat) ## End(Not run) ##CLASSIFICATION (predict Species given other Iris parameters) data(iris) xmat = iris[,1:4] lab2pred <- levels(iris$Species) lghlab <- length(lab2pred) iris$Species <- as.numeric(iris$Species) ymat <- matrix(seq(from = 1, to = lghlab, by = 1), nrow(xmat), lghlab, byrow = TRUE) ymat <- (ymat == as.numeric(iris$Species)) + 0 #with gradient descent and random hyperparameters sets amlmodel <- automl_train(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, autopar = list(numiterations = 1, psopartpopsize = 1, seed = 11), hpar = list(numiterations = 10))
The base deep neural network train function (one deep neural network trained without automatic hyperparameters tuning)
automl_train_manual(Xref, Yref, hpar = list(), mdlref = NULL)
automl_train_manual(Xref, Yref, hpar = list(), mdlref = NULL)
Xref |
inputs matrix or data.frame (containing numerical values only) |
Yref |
target matrix or data.frame (containing numerical values only) |
hpar |
list of parameters and hyperparameters for Deep Neural Network, see hpar section |
mdlref |
model trained with automl_train or automl_train_manual to start training from a saved model (shape,
weights...) for fine tuning |
##REGRESSION (predict Sepal.Length given other Iris parameters) data(iris) xmat <- cbind(iris[,2:4], as.numeric(iris$Species)) ymat <- iris[,1] #with gradient descent amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(learningrate = 0.01, numiterations = 30, minibatchsize = 2^2)) ## Not run: #with PSO amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(modexec = 'trainwpso', numiterations = 30, psopartpopsize = 50)) #with PSO and custom cost function f <- 'J=abs((y-yhat)/y)' f <- c(f, 'J=sum(J[!is.infinite(J)],na.rm=TRUE)') f <- c(f, 'J=(J/length(y))') f <- paste(f, collapse = ';') amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(modexec = 'trainwpso', numiterations = 30, psopartpopsize = 50, costcustformul = f)) ##CLASSIFICATION (predict Species given other Iris parameters) data(iris) xmat = iris[,1:4] lab2pred <- levels(iris$Species) lghlab <- length(lab2pred) iris$Species <- as.numeric(iris$Species) ymat <- matrix(seq(from = 1, to = lghlab, by = 1), nrow(xmat), lghlab, byrow = TRUE) ymat <- (ymat == as.numeric(iris$Species)) + 0 #with gradient descent and 2 hidden layers amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(layersshape = c(10, 10, 0), layersacttype = c('tanh', 'relu', 'sigmoid'), layersdropoprob = c(0, 0, 0))) #with gradient descent and no hidden layer (logistic regression) amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(layersshape = c(0), layersacttype = c('sigmoid'), layersdropoprob = c(0))) #with PSO and softmax amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(modexec = 'trainwpso', layersshape = c(10, 0), layersacttype = c('relu', 'softmax'), layersdropoprob = c(0, 0), numiterations = 50, psopartpopsize = 50)) ## End(Not run)
##REGRESSION (predict Sepal.Length given other Iris parameters) data(iris) xmat <- cbind(iris[,2:4], as.numeric(iris$Species)) ymat <- iris[,1] #with gradient descent amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(learningrate = 0.01, numiterations = 30, minibatchsize = 2^2)) ## Not run: #with PSO amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(modexec = 'trainwpso', numiterations = 30, psopartpopsize = 50)) #with PSO and custom cost function f <- 'J=abs((y-yhat)/y)' f <- c(f, 'J=sum(J[!is.infinite(J)],na.rm=TRUE)') f <- c(f, 'J=(J/length(y))') f <- paste(f, collapse = ';') amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(modexec = 'trainwpso', numiterations = 30, psopartpopsize = 50, costcustformul = f)) ##CLASSIFICATION (predict Species given other Iris parameters) data(iris) xmat = iris[,1:4] lab2pred <- levels(iris$Species) lghlab <- length(lab2pred) iris$Species <- as.numeric(iris$Species) ymat <- matrix(seq(from = 1, to = lghlab, by = 1), nrow(xmat), lghlab, byrow = TRUE) ymat <- (ymat == as.numeric(iris$Species)) + 0 #with gradient descent and 2 hidden layers amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(layersshape = c(10, 10, 0), layersacttype = c('tanh', 'relu', 'sigmoid'), layersdropoprob = c(0, 0, 0))) #with gradient descent and no hidden layer (logistic regression) amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(layersshape = c(0), layersacttype = c('sigmoid'), layersdropoprob = c(0))) #with PSO and softmax amlmodel <- automl_train_manual(Xref = xmat, Yref = ymat, hpar = list(modexec = 'trainwpso', layersshape = c(10, 0), layersacttype = c('relu', 'softmax'), layersdropoprob = c(0, 0), numiterations = 50, psopartpopsize = 50)) ## End(Not run)
List of parameters to allow multi deep neural network automatic hyperparameters tuning with Particle Swarm Optimization
Not mandatory (the list is preset and all arguments are initialized with default value) but it is advisable to adjust some important arguments for performance reasons (including processing time)
psopartpopsize |
number of particles in swarm, the main argument that should be tuned (default value 8, which is quite low) |
psoxxx |
see pso for other PSO specific arguments details |
numiterations |
number of convergence steps between particles (hyperparameters), default value 3) |
auto_modexec |
if ‘TRUE’ the type of Neural Net optimization will be randomly choosen between ‘trainwgrad’ and ‘trainwpso’ for each particle |
auto_runtype |
if ‘2steps’ the 2 following steps will be run automatically (default value is ‘normal’): |
auto_minibatchsize |
see below |
auto_minibatchsize_min |
see below |
auto_minibatchsize_max |
‘auto_minibatch’ default value ‘TRUE’ for automatic adjustment of ‘minibatchsize’ argument in automl_train_manual function |
auto_learningrate |
see below |
auto_learningrate_min |
see below |
auto_learningrate_max |
‘auto_learningrate’ default value ‘TRUE’ for automatic adjustment of ‘learningrate’ argument in automl_train_manual function |
auto_beta1 |
see below |
auto_beta2 |
‘auto_beta1’ and ‘auto_beta2’ default value ‘TRUE’ for automatic adjustment of ‘beta1’ and ‘beta2’ argument in automl_train_manual function |
auto_psopartpopsize |
see below |
auto_psopartpopsize_min |
see below |
auto_psopartpopsize_max |
‘auto_psopartpopsize’ default value ‘TRUE’ for automatic adjustment of ‘psopartpopsize’ argument in automl_train_manual function (concern only ‘modexec’ set to ‘trainwpso’) |
auto_lambda |
see below |
auto_lambda_min |
see below |
auto_lambda_max |
‘auto_lambda’ default value ‘FALSE’ for automatic adjustment of ‘lambda’ regularization argument in automl_train_manual function |
auto_psovelocitymaxratio |
see below |
auto_psovelocitymaxratio_min |
see below |
auto_psovelocitymaxratio_max |
‘auto_psovelocitymaxratio’ default value ‘TRUE’ for automatic adjustment of ‘psovelocitymaxratio’ PSO velocity max ratio argument in automl_train_manual function |
auto_layers |
see below (‘auto_layers’ default value ‘TRUE’ for automatic adjustment of layers shape in automl_train_manual function) |
auto_layers_min |
(linked to ‘auto_layers’ above, set hpar ‘layersshape’ and ‘layersacttype’) the minimum number of hidden layers (default 1 no hidden layer) |
auto_layers_max |
(linked to ‘auto_layers’ above, set hpar ‘layersshape’ and ‘layersacttype’) the maximum number of hidden layers (default 2) |
auto_layersnodes_min |
(linked to ‘auto_layers’ above, set hpar ‘layersshape’ and ‘layersacttype’) the minimum number of nodes per layer (default 3) |
auto_layersnodes_max |
(linked to ‘auto_layers’ above, set hpar ‘layersshape’ and ‘layersacttype’) the maximum number of nodes per layer (default 33) |
auto_layersdropo |
see below |
auto_layersdropoprob_min |
see below |
auto_layersdropoprob_max |
‘auto_layersdropo’ default value ‘FALSE’ for automatic adjustment of hpar ‘layersdropoprob’ in automl_train_manual function) |
seed |
seed for reproductibility (default 4) |
nbcores |
number of cores used to parallelize particles optimization, not available on Windows (default 1, automatically reduced if not enough cores) |
verbose |
to display or not the costs at each iteration for each particle (default TRUE) |
subtimelimit |
time limit in seconds for sub modelizations to avoid waiting too long for a specific particle to finish its modelization (default 3600) |
back to automl_train
List of Neural Network parameters and hyperparameters to train with gradient descent or particle swarm optimization
Not mandatory (the list is preset and all arguments are initialized with default value) but it is advisable to adjust some important arguments for performance reasons (including processing time)
modexec |
‘trainwgrad’ (the default value) to train with gradient descent (suitable for all volume of data) |
Below specific arguments to ‘trainwgrad’ execution mode
learningrate |
learningrate alpha (default value 0.001) |
beta1 |
see below |
beta2 |
‘Momentum’ if beta1 different from 0 and beta2 equal 0 ) |
lrdecayrate |
learning rate decay value (default value 0, no learning rate decay, 1e-6 should be a good value to start with) |
chkgradevery |
epoch interval to run gradient check function (default value 0, for debug only) |
chkgradepsilon |
epsilon value for derivative calculations and threshold test in gradient check function (default 0.0000001) |
Below specific arguments to ‘trainwpso’ execution mode
psoxxx |
see pso for PSO specific arguments details |
costcustformul |
custom cost formula (default ‘’, no custom cost function) |
Below arguments for both execution modes
numiterations |
number of training epochs (default value 50)) |
seed |
seed for reproductibility (default 4) |
minibatchsize |
mini batch size, 2 to the power 0 for stochastic gradient descent (default 2 to the power 5) #tuning priority 3 |
layersshape |
number of nodes per layer, each nodes number initialize a hidden layer |
layersacttype |
activation function for each layer; ‘linear’ for no activation or ‘sigmoid’, ‘relu’ or ‘reluleaky’ or ‘tanh’ or ‘softmax’ (softmax for output layer only supported in trainwpso exec mode) |
layersdropoprob |
drop out probability for each layer, continuous value from 0 to less than 1 (give the percentage of matrix weight values to drop out randomly) |
printcostevery |
epoch interval to test and print costs (train and cross validation cost: default value 10, for 1 test every 10 epochs) |
testcvsize |
size of cross validation sample, 0 for no cross validation sample (default 10, for 10 percent) |
testgainunder |
threshold to stop the training if the gain between last train or cross validation cost is smaller than the threshold, 0 for no stop test (default 0.000001) |
costtype |
cost type function name ‘mse’ or ‘crossentropy’ or ‘custom’ |
lambda |
regularization term added to cost function (default value 0, no regularization) |
batchnor_mom |
batch normalization momentum for j and B (default 0, no batch normalization, may be set to 0.9 for deep neural net) |
epsil |
epsilon the low value to avoid dividing by 0 or log(0) in cost function, etc ... (default value 1e-12) |
verbose |
to display or not the costs and the shapes (default TRUE) |
back to automl_train, automl_train_manual
Deep Learning specialization from Andrew NG on Coursera
List of parameters and hyperparameters for Particle Swarm Optimization
All PSO parameters and hyperparameters are preset with default value
psopartpopsize |
number of particles in swarm (discrete value) |
(impact on memory consumption)
CAUTION: you should only change the values below if you know what you are doing
psovarvalmin |
Minimum value for particles positions (default value -10) |
psovarvalmax |
maximum value for particles positions (default value 10) |
psovelocitymaxratio |
ratio applied to limit velocities (continuous value between 0 and 1, default value 0.2) |
psoinertiadampratio |
inertia damp ratio (continuous value between 0 and 1, default value 1 equivalent to OFF) |
psokappa |
kappa (default value 1) |
psophi1 |
Phi 1 (default value 2.05) |
psophi2 |
Phi 2 (default value 2.05) |
PSO video tutorial from Yarpiz